Increasing supply answer to CA’s housing shortage

Last  week, Senate Pro Tem Toni Atkins announced a housing production bill package which is supported by the California Association of Realtors.

According to C.A.R. President Jeanne Radsick =,”We have known for years that there is a tremendous need to get serious on housing supply if we’re to make any progress in solving the state’s housing affordability crisis. We appreciate Senate Pro Tem Toni Atkins acknowledgement that increasing supply is the solution to California’s severe housing shortage,The Pro Tem’s leadership through the introduction of a housing production package is a strong step forward to putting our state on the right track toward building more housing in places that need it most.”

Some of the obstacles to building housing are the following:

  1. Streamlining California Environmental Quality Act approvals
  2. Allowing denser development in urban areas
  3. Rezoning retail properties for housing

The timing of thesebills could not come at a better time, amd the coronavirus pandemic and recovery, and would create a new era of housing development C.A>R. President Joanne  Radsick “Without a thriving housing market with plentiful supply to match growing demand, our state’s future is at stake.We look forward to working with Pro Tem Atkins,the slate

legislature and Gov. Gavin Newsom to seeing this package cross the finish line this year so we can provide the housing supply that Californians so desperately need and deserve.

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