Leonis Adobe, A Calabasas HIstorical Landmark

Leonis Adobe was the Calabasas Home of Miguel Leonis. He was known as the King of Calabasas. He was a wealthy rancho owner in the San Fernando Valley who owned as much as 11,000 acres here.

Born in 1822 in Southwest France, he settled in the valley in 1854 and met his wife, Espiritu, in 1859.

During the 1870’s. Leonis bought the adobe which gets its name from the adobe bricks it was constructed with.

In 1889, Miguel Leonis died in a wagon accident. Despite having a 30 year common law marriage, he willed his assets to relatives in France.Espiritu challenged the will and after 16 years she won only to die 7 months later.

The Adobe was restored in the 1960’s and is still standing today because of community activist, Kay Beautry.

I remember walking to Leonis Adobe in 1978 from Round Meadow Elementary School for a field trip.  Calabasas has certainly changed a lot since then, Great to see that this relic is still standing,

From your local resident and Realtor,

Michael Bloom

Rodeo Realty Calabasas

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